Snyder Upholstery, specializes in the repair and reupholstery of any and all commercial furniture suited for venues including, but not limited to restaurants, bars and nightclubs; cafe’s, hotels and golf courses. Our specialists can meet with you or your designers to discuss your unique space. We can offer design ideas and provide you with the best fabric, vinyl or leather choices for your applications .
Many restaurants, bars and diners use bench seating or booths for their patrons’ seating. Often times, the seating can be a focal point in a restaurant’s decor. Depending on usage and traffic in an establishment, and depending on the durability of the vinyl or fabric used, the seating covers will need replacing and maintenance. Contracting Snyder Upholstery to maintain your seating will keep it all looking great on a consistent basis. Whether stained, torn or ripped, or structurally damaged, having Snyder Upholstery on call will minimize customers’ exposure to these defects. We are the largest upholstery shop in Upstate New York, and specialize in great quality upholstery with a very fast turn-around time.
Changing your upholstery is a very simple process. You call us and let us know how many repairs you need. We determine yardage and order material as needed. Once material has arrived, we will reupholster. We will work around your schedule, affording you zero to minimal down time. We even work the overnight shift if need be. After becoming established with you, we will have a pattern on file and can create your covers before we even pick up the seating from you. Once contracted, we will perform periodic inspections to help keep your establishment up to code.
Once in-house, we will strip off the old upholstery. The foam and structure of the benches will be assessed and dealt with at that time. Once any repairs to the frame and repairs/replacements to foam are completed, the new upholstery will then be installed. This process will leave you with a brand new look or feel, and will help maintain your health codes; all without breaking the bank!
Along with the maintenance of your booth seating, it is important to keep up with the maintenance of the chairs and stools in any restaurant. This type of seating takes the most use and abuse. They’re picked up, moved around and generally knocked all over. Luckily, we at Snyder Upholstery are experts in upholstery and structural repair of chairs and bar stools. First and foremost, the upholstery on chairs and barstools should complement the design and decor of the restaurant; but it should also be comfortable. Barstools can usually be reupholstered quickly and efficiently. Our team is known for reupholstering an entire restaurant in a matter of a few hours. Our crew will work with you to maintain minimal downtime. Our expert craftspeople will address any wood or structural issues in our wood room prior to upholstering your seating in contract materials which meet all state health guidelines. In more cases than not, it is far less expensive to reupholster existing furniture rather than purchase new.